
The Art of Fugue is as much a mystery as it is a work of musical genius.  Given that there is unlikely ever to be a definitive understanding even of Bach's intentions, let alone the way in which it should be approached, it seems reasonable that we should be encouraged it with as open a mind as possible.  Most recent research would tend to indicate that the pieces written for harpsichord but as it so clearly works equally well on any key-board instrument - to say nothing of small instrumental ensembles - any new recording, with the fresh understanding it brings, is bound to be welcome.

Diana Boyle approaches the fugues from an orchestral point of view, finding overtones even of Brahms and Wagner within the score, and this understanding feeds her dynamic reading.  The opening is so quiet I thought there might be something wrong with either the CD or my player.  In the event it was the impressive dynamic range she brings to the work, a dynamic range which could only be achieved on the organ with registration.  As such we are far more aware of the flexibility of the individual musical lines as they are created rather than the movement from one part to another.  There is always room for another recording of this miraculous work and I am glad to have added this to my own collection.

Brian Hick
Musical Opinion March - April 2011

Divine Art

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Also available through Amazon and all good record shops.


Album Releases - Click on the images below for complete details on how to obtain these discs

Diana Boyle play J. S. Bach Mozart Sonatas Bach - Art of Fugue Bach - The Goldberg Variations

Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier Book II Brahms - Klavierstücke Bach - The Six Keyboard Partitas Beethoven Diabelli Variations